>> For perl modules it's probably easiest if you use the CPAN
>> module to install it ..
>> # perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::Pg'
>> This would fetch the latest module, compile it, run all the tests
>> and install it.
>This doesn't update the RPM database though, does it?
>Thus far I've been running a pure-RPM system.

No it doesn't .. I suppose an accurate RPM database is something
to strive for, but I tend not to worry when it comes to perl modules.

I don't know why... :)

>I also have my doubts it would help in this case (I think
>the trouble is that there's a library which used to be
>installed from an RPM that doesn't exist any more.
>Responsibility for it seems to have fallen through the
>cracks...).  But what the hell, I'll try anything.

The thing with letting perl work it out itself is that it doesn't worry
whether the RPM database is saying 'libpq.so.1' is installed, it just tries
to compile the module and determines that for itself.

>> If you really want the RPM and are sure you've got the required
>> libraries installed, you could always just force the install.
>I'm absolutely certain that I don't have the library
>installed.  I've got these:
>   /usr/lib/libpq.so
>   /usr/lib/libpq.so.2
>   /usr/lib/libpq.so.2.0
>But no "libpq.so.1".
>(One of my shot-in-the-dark ideas is to try sticking in a
>symlink from libpq.so.1 to libpq.so.2.)

Yeah, when people start doing crazy stuff like that with dependencies
RPM's come in handy a lot .. i'd probably force install the RPM, symlink
the library and see whether if behaves as expected.. if not, rpm --erase
the bastard :)

Iain Wade - Optus Internet

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