> What I REALLY want is to be able to check a users POP password/userid.
> Is there a way using telnet to port 109?  I get a prompt, I just don't
> know how to feed it a login/password.  Would this work?  how?

Not too long ago I needed a way to authenticate users without getting
access to the shadowed password file.  So, I wrote a script that used
the POP3 port (110) to authenticate users.  I wrote both an Expect
script and a Perl script.  Each script takes a username and password and
sets an exit status depending upon the validity of the user (0 for
valid, 1 for invalid).  I wrote two scripts simply as a mental exercise.

The Expect Script:

# Turn off logging
log_user 0

# Check args
if {$argc != 2} {
    exit 1

# Get command line arguments
set username  [lindex $argv 0]
set password  [lindex $argv 1]

# Open POP3 connection
spawn telnet localhost 110

# Try to login
send "user $username\r"
send "pass $password\r"

# Did we succeed?
expect -re ".OK.*messages.*\n" { send "quit\r"
                                 exit 0        }

exit 1

The Perl Script:
#!/local/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use IO::Socket;

my $username = shift || exit 1;
my $password = shift || exit 1;
my $hostname = shift || "localhost";
my $portnum  = 110;
my $conn;
my $line;

# Establish POP3 connection
$conn = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto    => "tcp",
                              PeerAddr => $hostname,
                              PeerPort => $portnum) || exit 1;

sub sendcmd {
    defined($line = <$conn>) || exit 1;
    $line =~ /\+OK.*/        || exit 1;
    print $conn "$_[0]\n";

sendcmd ("user $username");
sendcmd ("pass $password");
sendcmd ("quit");

Hope that helps.


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