On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Todd Dunbebin wrote:

> I'm trying to get my linux box to synch with a time server, and I'm trying
> to use crontab, this is what I hve in the file settime
> and I issue the command:
> crontab /root/settime
> and it looks like it accepts it but I keep getting errors emailed to me,
> anyone know if the syntax is screwy or something?  I was also trying to run
> one to write the clock to the bios (battery's going I think)
> * /15 * * * *           /usr/bin/rdate -s bitsy.mit.edu
> it is:
> /15 * * * * *           /sbin/clock -w
> any help?  A better way, I've searched all over for crontab syntax and have
> found little at best.

You seek a good man page, one which is not the default...

[wcarlson@ryoko wcarlson]$ man -k cron
cron (8)             - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
crontab (1)          - maintain crontab files for individual users (V3)
crontab (5)          - tables for driving cron

man 5 crontab

That is what you seek, all the info you ever wanted.


Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics        |

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