>I'm not sure I'm getting it.
>Are you saying that I can just put a text file in
>/etc/cron.hourly with:
>*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/rdate -s bitsy.mit.edu
>as the text and like a 755 permission, and it'll run, with no crontab or

No.  The above line goes into your root's crontab file and you get it
there by entering the following command as root:

        crontab -e

That will bring up the current root crontab file.  Add the line to it and
save the file.  At the next 15 minute interval the rdate will be executed.

Why not use ntp (Network Time Protocol) instead?

        [Where do you think Microsoft would be today if they waited]
        [until their software worked?     (Hyperion Bay - 10/12/98)]
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