I have been looking unsuccessfully for a competent backup program.  

I want a package that will run on a linux system and completely backup both
linux and win98 boxes.  Ideally, I want to be able to do a "cold iron" restore.
That is start from a boot disk and bring 'er up.

However, if I lose a box I really want to be able to, at worst, just install
the os (either linux or win98) + backup client and then restore the remainder to
get back to the original configuration.

I thought ARKEIA would do it for win98 but they tell me I have to restore 
win98, the ARKEIA client, the exact applications, and then do the restore. 
Also, I can't change any of the components in the box (ie. restore to a
different box). This I can see but having to completely restore all the
applications(levels, versions, etc)...I should save a LOT of time/tape and just
backup the data!!!

I used to use Cheyenne backup on a win95 system to do this.  A couple of times
I recovered a trashed system by just booting off a Cheyenne floppy and selecting
the tape to restore...going away for a few hours and coming back to a nice
working system.

Does such a package exist in linux that will handle linux or win98 network
attached systems???

E-Mail: Gerry Doris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10-Dec-99
Time: 18:22:18

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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