On Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 11:24:22PM -0800, Mark Ivey wrote:
> So, here is my question.  Under windows 95, I used to be able to have
> something like 15 netscape windows open before it would start to run out
> of memory and thrash the disk.  Under linux, I can't seem to get more than
> about 7.  Isn't linux supposed to be smaller/lighter/quicker?  Is one of
> the programs I'm running (X, kde, netscape) a real resource hog?  What can
> I do to get this thing to run a little better?  Thanks...

I don't know about the Windows-Netscape, but under Linux (and some other
Unices), Netscape has the problem of having the "Motif" libraries (Motif
is a commercial widget library which hardly anybody has under Linux)
statically linked (i.e. compiled in). This makes Netscape very big,
possibly bigger than the Windows version. Netscape is really among the
worst Linux programs, I'm afraid, and it's a PITA that it's the only
fully-featured browser at the moment[0]. One thing I'd recommend is to
use Netscape Navigator instead of Netscape Communicator (if you don't
need the newsreader and mailreader, that is), as that saves a good bit
on memory consumption.
You can always check up on your system with regard to memory usage with
e.g. the command "top" (stands for "table of processes"). Execute top in
a terminal window (e.g. kvt, konsole, xterm, rxvt) and it'll show you a
list of processes and the resources they use. There are other programs
that are helpful in that regard, "ps" comes to mind ("man ps" for



[0] note the "fully-featured" - if you can do without Java/JavaScript
    and/or tables and/or frames, there are other, leaner alternatives,
    e.g. kfm (under KDE) or Lynx and w3m (both text only)
             "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"

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