I run RH 6.1 (right now) but I do mix and match,
when applicable (Mandrake stuff, occasional SuSE
stuff, etc).  I think Corel WILL end up being the
version that will become the preferred choice of
newbies crossing over from WinDOS in the future.
Corel is a well-known name with a well-known method
of marketing and sales.

Personally, I don't mind the simple installation
part - the first thing you do with linux shouldn't
be struggling to get the thing installed and
configured to go right off.  There SHOULD always
be alternatives to the auto-stuff, particularly
when it goes wrong, however.

I have tried Caldera's OpenLinux and I liked it
overall.  Not terribly different from RH but...
I tried an earlier release vs their current and
the install lizard wasn't up to snuff on my system.
The new version is supposed to be quite nice too.

I guess I am saying that for the most part, it
doesn't matter too much which version you
actually go with.  Corel will end up with a nice,
simple, rather painless version and that WILL help
move people who only know windoze over to linux,
but it is still early yet and bound to have a
few bugs to work out (their next release will
be better).  They are in need of moving fast,
afterall, to retain any commercial viability,
so they moved quickly to get a reasonably decent
linux version out the door.

It may contain some older, less secure versions
of some programs but...it is still more secure and
stable than windoze95/98.

As for cutting edge, on average RH _is_ up there but
I would say that Mandrake is even more cutting edge,
plus it is optimized for Pentiums (or higher) rather
than 386 or higher - this leads to speedups on some
things of up to 30%.  On the other hand, some of
the Mandrake rpms seem to be a bit buggy (in my hands).

Don't be too opposed to other versions.  It is nice to
have some brand loyalty but in the linux world it
isn't necessary to stick too close to one version
vs another.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Rocco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 2:52 PM
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown
Subject: Re: Anyone try Corel Linux

I was also told that because Red Hat was on the cutting edge, it would
be as stable.

I guess you talked me into going with Red Hat. Being a newbie and
seeing so
many distributions to choose from, makes my head spin.
Life was easier when there was only windows.<g>

However I got the Linux bug and won't go back.

The only problem I had with Red Hat was running a TN5250 program from
It would not work correctly. The screen would not clear completly and
function keys produced garbage. I need this to talk to our AS/400.

How is wine?

Thanks again

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