On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 03:16:30PM -0700, patrick wrote:

[about Corel Linux] 
> It may contain some older, less secure versions
> of some programs but...it is still more secure and
> stable than windoze95/98.

Ahem... At least for the "secure" part that's nonsense. If Corel Linux
contains packages with well known security bugs (and hence well known
exploits!) it's *at least as* insecure as Windows. The *only* reason
that machines like that don't get hit as much as Windows machines is the
smaller market share of Linux - the script kiddies haven't started
hammering Linux yet, at least not in the the same way as they hammer on
Windows boxes. But it will happen - and in that light it's irresponsible
to ship packages with known security bugs in a new distro, *especially*
if it is supposed to be geared towards newbies who wouldn't be fully
aware of those potential problems.

My two Eurocent,

             "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"

     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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