
> > You want all your machines to be synced with the ntp server simply?
> >
> > Two ways, one is to install xntpd on all machines, enter the config and
> > insert your server there, then they'll sync with an internval you set.
> No, what I'm trying to do is set up my Linux box as a Stratum 2/3 server
> for a domain. The idea behind using either broadcast or multicast is to
> reduce the load on the interface by sending out a time "heartbeat" instead
> of having the overhead of responding to UDP queries. The Win32 machines in
> the subnet won't be affected enought by the small drift incurred by using
> broadcast instead of unicast for it to matter.

Seems I was wrong.

I just double checked. Check /usr/doc/xntp-your_version.

Read the xntpd.html. There's info there how to do it.

You want the 'broadcastserver' or 'multicastserver' keyword.

I appologize for not remembering correctly regarding b.cast/m.cast.

Hope this helps.

// Stefan

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