On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Vidiot said:

V>>With the RPMs that are around they do not create the symlink for
V>>smrsh......but this is easily overcome, attached is a small sample script
V>>that will work on RH6 (adjust as needed)
V>>Greg Wright
V>You might want to explain the reasoning for the smrsh link to wrapper.
V>It has been a while, but isn't smrsh something like SendMail Remote SHell?
V>Doesn't it basically give wrapper permission to be executed from sendmail,
V>i.e., a security function?

smrsh == sendmail restricted shell

See http://www.moongroup.com/c258.html#AEN452 and Example 3-12 for a brief

smrsh is indeed a security feature. If smrsh is enabled in your sendmail config
you must explicitly allow executables to be run by providing a symbolic link to
them in /etc/smrsh. Red Hat Linux 6.0 and 6.1 come with smrsh enabled by
default though it can easily be disabled as well.

Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <http://moongroup.com> 
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