Well, ok, I can read and configure sendmail by hand ...
On the other end, there exists something called linuxconf which claims it can do it.
It would be nice if somebody could tell me what is the part I am missing there : 
I read linuxconf doc, and I thought that the masquerading I did was enough.

Non, I will still read the all , very long explanation about configuring sendmail 
by hand but everyone knows that this is not a very simple matter whatever.

Just hoped for simpler ways


Chuck Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Philippe Moutarlier said:
> PM>
> PM>
> PM>Hi,
> PM>
> PM>I am using sendmail to send messages I compose with emacs/gnus.
> PM>
> PM>My domain name is : kscable.com
> PM>My machine name is : saturne
> PM>
> PM>Now, I get (some) mails rejected because they say that the sender
> PM>is @saturne.kscable.com and that the domain saturne.kscable.com doesn't exist 
>(sure !!).
> PM>
> PM>I set up my sendmail, using linuxconf, to advertise my outgoing mail as coming 
> PM>@kscable.com and I can see my emacs header doing the same right now.
> PM>
> PM>I even took off this weird thing in sendmail.el which adds a "Sender:" field 
> PM>your back that I don't want.
> PM>
> PM>Any sggestions ?
> http://www.moongroup.com/c258.html#AEN302
> -- 
> Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <http://moongroup.com> 
> Mail problems? Send "s-u-b-s-c-r-i-b-e mailhelp" (no quotes and no
> hyphens) in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Public key available at: wwwkeys.us.pgp.net                              
> -- 
> To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
> as the Subject.

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