I've been unsuccessfully trying to move a 3 gig file from WinNTSP4 onto our
RH6.1 server that has a 9 gig ext2 drive mounted as /bigdrive.

Samba fails at 2 gigs with an error in the log saying, "File too large." I
thought, well maybe Samba has a problem with large files. So I tried to ftp
the file over using the built-in NT ftp client and FTPd--same problem. I
then started an FTP server on the NT box and tried pulling the file onto
the Linux machine. It also died at 2147482472 bytes.

Is there an issue trying to copy files larger than 2 gigs? Is there a
switch I can throw somewhere that will change this behavior?

I tried searching the RedHat website support section but it appears to be down.

Thanks for any help.

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