On Thu, Dec 30, 1999 at 11:48:09AM -0800, terry barnum wrote:
> I've been unsuccessfully trying to move a 3 gig file from WinNTSP4 onto our
> RH6.1 server that has a 9 gig ext2 drive mounted as /bigdrive.
> Samba fails at 2 gigs with an error in the log saying, "File too large." I
> thought, well maybe Samba has a problem with large files. So I tried to ftp
> the file over using the built-in NT ftp client and FTPd--same problem. I
> then started an FTP server on the NT box and tried pulling the file onto
> the Linux machine. It also died at 2147482472 bytes.
> Is there an issue trying to copy files larger than 2 gigs? Is there a
> switch I can throw somewhere that will change this behavior?

This is a Linux/x86 limitation.  It's been fixed in the experimental 2.3
kernel, but we probably won't see a 2.4 stable release until at least

Steve Borho                       Voice:  314-615-6349
Network Engineer
Celox Communications Corp

Fortune of the day:
He's the kind of guy, that, well, if you were ever in a jam he'd
be there... with two slices of bread and some chunky peanut butter.

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