On Sat, 8 Jan 2000, Brian Schneider wrote:

> I just noticed something strange. On the web counter I use on my
> system, it states the date as 01-08-100. No real issue, just sort
> of interesting.

I'll wager said script is written in perl.  Perl measures the year as
the number of years since 1900.  So it is quite right when it says the
current year is 100 :)  There is some code on the net where the author
$year = $century . $year

and had it so you had to update century to 20 for this millenium.  Of
course, this yields a year of the format 20100.

There is a way to make that not happen (the 100), but I don't have it
to hand.


Duncan Hill                     Sapere aude
One net to rule them all, One net to find them,
One net to bring them all, and using Unix bind them.

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