I have a problem with a new install of RedHat on a very old machine with a 13G
hard drive. I've searched through various and sundry Linux and RedHat lists and
newsgroups and I can't seem to fix it.

I have an old Dell 486/66. I put in a new 13G drive. It boots fine
from a floppy but caLILO hangs at LI. I have tried all advice I could
find except for upgrading the BIOS and/or motherboard. Changes to
/etc/lilo.conf like linear or specifying the geometry have produced no
change, so far. (The machine will only run Linux and almost never be
rebooted, so I don't really need LILO to work from the Harddrive, but
it would make me feel better if it dit.)

The disk geometry is something like 12,613 cyclinders 32 heads 63
sectors. I can't even type five digits into the BIOS for the number of
cylinders (the latest BIOS copyright date is only 5 years ago - what
were they thinking?). Is there a way to just get all the info into the
lilo.conf and find the right settings. I tried 1024,16,63 because that
worked for somebody somewhere. I can repartition and reinstall from
now until the cows come home, so reformatting the drive is no problem

I never had a DOS system use the hard drive I just put it in the
machine and started up the install process. Though I did stick a dos
boot disk in for the "fdisk /mbr" attempt to fix the problem.

Josh Kuperman                       

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