Cheah Ling wrote:

>       Is anyone out there using timed server ? timed is based on a
>  master/slave (client/server)
>  scheme.  When timed is started on a machine, it asks the master timed
>  daemon for the network time and sets the host's clock to that time. As
>  for my master machine I configure it as : timed -M -t -F host1, host2,
>  and so on. And slave machine : timed -t . It worked perfectly for the
>  first few days. Few days later master machine started to change the
>  date/time to a later date and all my slave machines followed exactly.
>  Why does it so?

I've used a time honored process script file called "set-local-time" that
works well on our server . . . it even sets the hardware clock:

     /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond stop
     rdate -sp
     hwclock --systohc
     hwclock --show
     /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start

I found a location (NIST) in my timezone of the world that requires their
organization to keep the time for this part of the worlds timezone.
Occasionally I execute the script to update my server. All the
workstations synchronize their clock to the server.

>From my understanding, there is some type of organization in every
timezone of the world that makes it part of their duty to keep an accurate
account of time.


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