> I'm pretty sure this is not my problem, but would just like to
> confirm..

> I have a laptop with a Trident Cyber 9397 DVD video card (4 MB).

> Neither 6.1 or 6.2beta graphical install works. 

> I *can* get X to work later with a few XF86Config tweaks, (the details
> escape me right now), and my 6.2 text upgrade hasn't finished yet.

> I get a blank screen when X tries to start, and the last line on
> virtual console 1 says it's using a Linear Frame Buffer on
> 0x0fe400000, size 4mb 

If you can get it to run afterwards by tweaking your config file, it's
probably not the frame buffer problem.  Probably wouldn't hurt to try,
it might contribute to the disorder in any case.  The kernel rebuild
instructions as I gave them work cleanly and give a kernel identical to
the install version _except_ for frame buffering.  The problem with
laptops, as you know, charles, is that the manufacturers tweak the
chipset support to meet their needs & they're not quite the same as
their regular chipsets - so the frame buffering is one more complication
that I can live without.

It didn't break X support on my home system with an Millenium G200 AGP
card, but things were a wee bit flakey.  So last night, when I compiled
a custom kernel, I left the frame buffering out & it seems a bit more

Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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 three people, two of whom are absent."  Robert Copeland

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