> what do i do to update the
> secondary nameserver.  ??
> i have it all setup but now
> i need to set it up to
> update.
> Thanks.

It should automatically update itself.  If you look in the SOA values for
each zone you provide name services, these configure your slave server's

refresh -- how often I check my master for new data (for updated serial

retry -- how often I try to reconnect to master after failed queries

expire -- if I can't connect to my master for this long, I stop giving out
DNS info because my data may be obsolete

In addition to this, the master server usually sends out NOTIFY messages
after it has been restarted and notices a change in its zone files.

So, the short answer is, it's probably already working.  You should just
change the values to your own preferences.

Eric Cifreo
Austin, TX

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