It really has nothing to do with linux and all to do with your Bios. I have
two machines running. One recognizes the Ram one does not. Both run RH 6.0.
One has an older version of award Bios and the new is award but current
version of Bios.  So in the lilo.conf file under /etc I simply add a line
that says:
As my machine contains 144 megs rather than the 64 that Bios has reported to
the OS. I place this under the read-only statement.
Then rerun lilo or simply type lilo and reboot. Type free or do a top and
you should now see the memory that is really in place.

Hope this helps,

Eddie Strohmier
Bonwell Globalnet

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 2:42 PM
Subject: LILO question

> guys,
> I read somewhere that Linux only recognizes 64MB
> RAM and that if one has more installed, then the
> 'mem' parameter in LILO has to be set
> accordingly.
> Can someone tell me how to check if Linux
> recognizes the entire memory that I have and
> also,  how do i check/change this 'mem' LILO
> parameter ?
> Thanks
> ketan
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