On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, Nick wrote:

> Hi
> Does anybody know if it is possible to use Linux workstations with NT file 
> servers?  I know that you can do this the other way round (ie have Linux 
> file servers with Windows NT or 95/8 servers).  However, we are committed 
> to NT file servers so need to keep them, since we are predominatly NT 
> users.  However, to support our Linux/UNIX this would be very handy.  For 
> example, could one have a system disk on the Linux workstation, containing 
> Linux, software, temp space etc and have, say, the /home/user directory 
> mounted on a NT server (equivalent of the Network drive on a PC).  Also, 
> how would the Linux users information, preferences etc. be held - or would 
> a separate, possibly low spec. Linux computer be required to serve this 
> information?
> Any ideas?

Yes. Make one of your linux boxes an NT file server (using samba), that
also is an nfs server for the other linux boxes. Put a sticker on it that
makes it looks like a windows box. Write a cron job to remind yourself 
(every 2 days or so) to mutter something loudly like "damn Nt box locked
up again" before going to get coffee.

If too many uses notice stability with their shares, write another cron
job to bring samba down for a few minutes every few hours.

> Nick



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