> I need to buy a printer which I hope will work with both windoze and
> linux (better yet, also my solaris). Anybody has a suggestion? I
> understand there are lots of win-printers out there, so I am being
> very cautious.
> Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

Can you tell us what type(s) of printer(s) you are looking for:

1. Impact daisywheel
2. Impact dot matrix
3. Heat transfer
4. Laser

What options:

1. Cut sheet paper, tracker feed paper, etc
2. Continuous paper or individual sheets
3. Type of ink cartridge
4. Multi-color or single color (ie. black) only
5. etc . . . .


Paul B. Brown                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brown Technologies Network, Inc.               http://www.btechnet.com/

Systems and Applications Design, Development, Deployment, and Maintenance

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