Hi Rick,

thanks, at least all is not lost :),

how do I create the logical partitions in the extended partition and what
doI need to do this?

Once I get that done, I can go crazy with OS's... :)

By the way, are there such limits on SCSI? I worked with scsi drives under
HP-UX but I was using HP's Logical Volumes (LVM).... so I did not have too
much limitations,

just group the disks and split them up as I like....



Rick Forrister wrote:

> > is there a limit on the number of partitions you can place on an ide
> > hard drive?
> > I'm running a machine booting between:
> > 98, NT, and RedHat, I wanted to add a fourth Linux variant,
> > I think the most I was allowed to partition on ide0 (/dev/hda) was
> > four partitions and the same for ide1 (/dev/hdb)...
> You can have a max of 4 primary partitions, one of which can be an
> extended parititon, containing logical partitions.  The limit on PC
> type machines is 64 partitions, assuming you have 3 primaries and 1
> extended, this means you can create 60 logical partitions. (Why you'd
> want to is a different issue - I did it once just to test out the
> process and limits. )
> > The machine has two 8 Gig Seagate IDE drives running as master and
> > slave on the primary ide interface, hence /dev/hda and /dev/hdb
> > Also, can I re-use the swap partition for Redhat Linux in the other
> > Linux (Turbo Linux)....
> Yes, the swap partition can be shared by multiple installations.  Do
> it all the time.  Especially beneficial if the swap partitions are on
> a different drive than the distro.
> best
>     rickf
> --
> Rick Forrister                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "To get something done a committee should consist of no more than
>  three people, two of whom are absent."  Robert Copeland
> --
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