A work around might be to set up your machine to go directly into X at
boot.  There is probably a graphical way to do this but you can edit
your /etc/inittab an change the line




Make sure you have a working boot disk because you can screw this file
up and not be able to boot I beleive.

This will boot straight into a gui login application, gdm (if you are
using Gnome) and you should not have to worry about the contrast in the
console.  Not a fix, I know but a valid work around if you want to get
playing without getting distracted by too many esoteric problems.  Of
course this assumes that the xterm windows are ok once you get into X.


Katherine Harris wrote:
> >Which desktop and terminal? If it is Gnome and gnome-terminal try the
> >menu labeled 'settings' and turn off transparency and/or play around
> >foreground and background colors. Just to see if it is a contrast
> >problem you might also try, 'rxvt -bg black -fg white &'. rxvt is a
> >similar, but different terminal emulator. (Not to confuse the issue too
> >much, but I am more familiar with that one.)
> well, when I boot up, I get a $ prompt.  And that needs the brightness
> turned down a bit, cause it's white text on a black screen.  Then I type
> startx, and it starts loading x, and it's an x mouse pointer on some funky
> black and white background, only I can barely make out the x, cause it's so
> dark.  That's what I mean.  when I type startx from the $ prompt, I have to
> turn up the brightness, and when I logout of X, I have to turn it back
> down, and I'm wondering if there's some way I can balance X better.
> Katie
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