I just started reading the IPCHAINS-HOWTO but from what I can remember, your
telling any packet wishing to make a connection coming in on the input chain
using TCP/IP on port 1023 that it is rejected.  As a result, no connections
are being permitted.

> As long as we're on the subject of firewalls, I have a question that I'd
> like to ask:
> If I have a linux box with no firewalling rules, and I attempt to
> connect from <src_ip>:<src_port> to <dest_ip>:<dest_port>, where dest is
> my unprotected linux box, and the port I'm trying to connect to is not
> open, I see the following traffic (pretty close):
> <src_ip>:<src_port> -> <dest_ip>:<dest_port> : SYN
> <dest_ip>:<dest_port> -> <src_ip>:<src_port> : ICMP tcp port not
> reachable
> and the application fails the connection immediately.  Now, I turn on
> firewalling on my linux box.  I use the following ipchains command:
> ipchains -A input -i eth1 -y -p TCP --destination-port :1023 -j REJECT
> Now, I attempt the connection again, and see something like the
> following traffic:
> <src_ip>:<src_port> -> <dest_ip>:<dest_port> : SYN
> <dest_ip> -> <src_ip> : ICMP tcp port not reachable
> <src_ip>:<src_port> -> <dest_ip>:<dest_port> : SYN
> <dest_ip> -> <src_ip> : ICMP tcp port not reachable
> ...
> So, the linux box with firewalling in place is certainly REJECT'ing
> connection attempts, but not in a manner uniform with the port being
> simple closed.  Additionally, the client _DOES NOT FAIL_.  It tries
> again until it times out (much later).  Both of these boxes are running
> linux kernel 2.2.15 pre2.
> The behavior of both of the boxes in the latter configuration seem
> incorrect.  However, I'm not well versed on the RFC for TCP.  I don't
> actually KNOW how it's supposed to behave.  How does this compare to
> other products?  Older/newer linux kernels?
> It seems that the REJECT behavior should be consistant with the port
> actually being unavailable.  It also seems that the client should fail
> immediately, since it's getting notification that the port is
> unavailable.  I think I should complain to the kernel list, but I'm not
> sure.  What do you think?


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