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>This is what I currently have :-
>Filesystem     Size    Used    Avail   Capacity        Mounted on
>----------     ----    ----    -----   --------        ----------
>/dev/hda9      1.7GB   21MB    1.6GB   1%              /var
>/dev/hda10     972MB   942MB   30MB    97%             /var/spool/imap
>The above 2 partitions are the last 2 partitions on my filesystem. 
>Since /var/spool/imap (hda10) is almost full and I have so much space
>left on /var (hda9), I was thinking of backing up /var/spool/imap , then
>delete the partition (hda10) and then increase the size of /dev/hda9 and
>finally restoring /var/spool/imap to hda9.
>My question is :-
>Can I increase the size of /dev/hda9? If yes, how do I do it? Will it
>destroy whatever data that's on hda9?

Yes, you can increase the size of /var to include /var/spool/imap, IFF
they are contiguous on the disk.  Just because the partitions are #9 and
#10, doesn't mean you made them contiguous.  Run fdisk to see if they
are contiguous before doing the rest of the procedure.

Yes, it will destroy the data on hda9.  You have to back it up as well.
Before doing anything to the partition, you need to get them backed up
and unmounted.  You'll have to also move the data in /var to the unmount
/var.  But, since /var is not meant to contain permanent data, you could
just let the data be destroyed.  After they are unmounted, then you can
fdisk the partitions into one and rebuild the filesystem.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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