> > >This is what I currently have :-
> > >
> > >Filesystem     Size    Used    Avail   Capacity        Mounted on
> > >----------     ----    ----    -----   --------        ----------
> > >/dev/hda9      1.7GB   21MB    1.6GB   1%              /var
> > >/dev/hda10     972MB   942MB   30MB    97%             /var/spool/imap
> > >
> > >
> > >The above 2 partitions are the last 2 partitions on my filesystem.
> > >
> > >Since /var/spool/imap (hda10) is almost full and I have so much space
> > >left on /var (hda9), I was thinking of backing up /var/spool/imap , then
> > >delete the partition (hda10) and then increase the size of /dev/hda9 and
> > >finally restoring /var/spool/imap to hda9.
> > >
> > >My question is :-
> > >
> > >Can I increase the size of /dev/hda9? If yes, how do I do it? Will it
> > >destroy whatever data that's on hda9?
> >
> > Yes, you can increase the size of /var to include /var/spool/imap, IFF
> > they are contiguous on the disk.  Just because the partitions are #9 and
> > #10, doesn't mean you made them contiguous.  Run fdisk to see if they
> > are contiguous before doing the rest of the procedure.
> >
> > Yes, it will destroy the data on hda9.  You have to back it up as well.
> > Before doing anything to the partition, you need to get them backed up
> > and unmounted.  You'll have to also move the data in /var to the unmount
> > /var.  But, since /var is not meant to contain permanent data, you could
> > just let the data be destroyed.  After they are unmounted, then you can
> > fdisk the partitions into one and rebuild the filesystem.
> >

The parted binaries and utilities (GNU parted) available at freshmeat
have this capability of resizing partitions on the fly. Also a handy dos
utility (if you still have DOS...LOL) is Partition Magic, it is rather
schweet. I haved used both successfully time and time again to
accomplish the same objective as you want to perform.


Michael B. Weiner
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)

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