>On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, M. Erickson wrote:
>> No need to reformat, toss that windows paradigm aside, learn a new way of
>> dealing with things like this! Just update BIND, XFS, and check through
>> all your .history/.bash_history files and find out what else has been
>> done..
>Finding out what else has been done is not exactly a trivial task. If
>whoever did this isn't totally braindead, he edited .history and logfiles
>to hide traces. (But then it seems to be someone stupid because he didn't
>remove the ADMROCKS file).

See posting I just did about this.

>rpm --verify can help you find modified files, and a find / -perm 4755
>will find added setuid bits, but that's still not everything someone could
>have done.

Find was changed as well.  But, the modified find wasn't totally fixed, as
it would find the directories that contained a space character as the name.
There were a couple of them.  There is one in /dev.  I forget where the
other one is, without looking.

>Unless you absolutely know how to deal with this, backing up your data and
>reinstalling is probably the best thing to do.

This is very true.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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