At 11:45 AM 1/31/00 -0800, Hidong Kim wrote:
>Adrian Walters wrote:
>> is there any Linux/Unix Certification out there? basically i am looking
>> for something like microsoft's mcse, something that i can learn on my
>> own...
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>Try  Good luck,

Yes, at the LPI website you can learn about Linux certification in general
including their program which produced it's first exam a short while ago.
Red Hat also provides a certification in it's own distribution (LPI and RH
are about as different as two Linux cert. programs can be). Since you
mention UNIX, SAGE is also moving ahead with certification plans but I
don't know when they will be complete.

-Alan Mead
Alan D. Mead  /  Research Scientist  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute for Personality and Ability Testing
1801 Woodfield Dr  /  Savoy IL 61874 USA
217-352-4739 (v)  /  217-352-9674 (f)

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