>On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Vidiot wrote:
>> >On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Ed Lazor wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> How did you run the searches?  I typed "ADMROCKS" and none of those places
>> >> brought anything up.  
>> >
>> >/var/named/ADMROCKS
>> What kind of search engine doesn't report "/var/named/ADMROCKS" from a
>> keyword of "ADMROCKS".  One would have to know the complete path, which is
>> why one was searching in the first place, i.e., the path wasn't known.
>> Hell, I didn't even know about the keyword until just recently :-)
>why should it?  If you search for the word "age" should it pick up
>"baggage"?  no.  If you tell the search engine, using whatever wildcards
>it uses to search for like *ADMROCKS, then thats a different story.
>But if its in the cached documents as "/var/named/ADMROCKS" then, no, it
>should not pick it up with a query for just "ADMROCKS"

Many search engines allow you to tell it to use your search as part of
a word, or as whole words.

    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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