###### er-chan ##### at ## scn.org ### at #### usa.net ######

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Vidiot wrote:

> It was mentioned here that if you don't like disk druid (like me) and
> you want to use fdisk, just go to one of the other consoles and run fdisk.

######If at the beginning of the install you enter expert, then later
on you get the choice (a tiny box to check in the upper right)to use
fdisk and very soon you actually get fdisk.  ########

> Well, I tried that this weekend and it doesn't work, because fdisk wants
> a device name and /dev/hda is not valid at that point.  If there is a magic
> device name that can be entered, I have no idea what it is, since I could
> find no mention of it in the manuals, and man pages weren't working yet :-)
> That wouldn't have helped anyway, since there is nothing in the man page to
> cover its use before the system is operational.
> I'm curious to know the answer to this one.
> BTW, as much as we all love Disk Druid, here is another reason...
> The installation manual suggests that the /boot partition be no larger than
> 16MB.  On an 8.4 GB drive, asking for a 16MB partition results in DD creating
> a 23MB partition.  Wait-a-sec... I didn't ask for 23, I asked for 16.  I
> guess the programmers of DD didn't read the installation manual :-)  BTW, if
> you ask for 12, it creates 15.  So I used that.  I know that it is trying to
> work with cylinder boundaries, but one would think that it would create a
> partition at the closest size that is SMALLER than the requested amout, not
> larger.
> MB
> -- 
>     Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
>     programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
>     Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
> Visit - URL:http://www.vidiot.com/  (Your link to Star Trek and UPN)
> -- 
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