David Kramer wrote:
> I need to get another serial port or two on my linux box.  I have one for
> the mouse, another for my IR controller, and I would like at least one
> more for an X10 ActiveHome controller.  Ideally I would have a fourth for
> a dial-in modem.
> If I get a normal add-on two-port serial card for ~$30-$40, could I use
> that in addition to the two ports I have now, or are they going to
> conflict with IRQ's?
> Real 4-port serial cards seem to be very expensive.  Are there any that
> are not?  I don't need fast.  Does each com port need an IRQ?  That would
> suck.
> Does anyone have experience with a particular make, model, or vendor?
> Thanks in advance.

An inexpensive multiport board that works well is sold by Byterunner.
I use a 4 Serial 2 Parallel board that was about $65.  They sell dual
and quad serial only also - much cheaper.  All the boards can share
irqs, so I disabled my second serial port and used that irq for my 4
additional ones.  I've been using my board over two years and have 
UPS, modem, dumb termial, X10 etc attached and all have worked just
fine.  They use the standard setserial although the tty setup is abit
weird; starts at 16 for the first one on the card.  Note that mine is 
an ISA buss board, but hey also have PCI bus boards.



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