Hi !

        Although I use pro-ftpd (easier to configure etc. imho) i came across the
linking problem acroos different file systems, too. I could link the
directory, i could even see it in the ftp dir, but when i treid to access
it i received the error message "directory not found". In my case it is
that i have a directory on a vfat drive and want it to be accessed via ftp
running Linux. What i did and what solved my problem is mounting the vfat
partition directly into the ftp directory. I added it to the fstab file
using automount and user. Finally i created a softlink so that i can find
the same drive also under /mnt/windir (did a ln -s /home/ftp/windir
/mnt/windir). After doing this i had no problems to access this vfat
partition via ftp from another client on my local network, it should work
with modem connections as well.

        Maybe that is the solution you are looking for and i guess it works with
wu-ftpd as well. Basically it is a permissions problem and this is one way
to solve it.

        Figuring this out i finally solved my eudora mailbox linking problem. Two
main probs were again permissions (solved that by setting gid and uid in
fstab) and that the directory on the vfat drive was named "Eudora Mail".
There seem to be no way to link a vfat dir that contains spaces in its
name, so i just renamed it to "Eudora" and got it working. Now i can access
the mailboxes with kmail, although there are some strange thigs going on,
coz Eudora keeps even deleted emails in the mailbox files, which now
reappear using kmail. I will try to transfer the mails i want to keep into
a new mailbox file and then rename it to be like the old one.

        Ok, now i replied to  Erics and answered my own question i posted a week
ago. Maybe someone can use it to solve a problem.



>How do you add another directory to my ftp?  I can not use a link
>because it is across a file system.

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