Since the install of RH6.1, in the past 24 hours X has frozen twice.

I also have to hit the reset button, since it appears that COM1 has gone
bad, so I can't hook up a terminal to it to log in and kill X.  I didn't
know for sure until now that the serial port is bad.  It was giving me trouble
when I used it to talk to the A/V 8x8 router that I have.  Hooking the
terminal to COM2 works.  I hate having to press the reset button.  Guess
I'll have to dig up an old ISA serial card and set it for COM1 and take out
the internal COM1.

Anyone else having X lockup problems under RH6.1?

If this keeps up, I'll have to reload and revert back to 6.0, which didn't
lock up on me.


    Bart: Hey, why is it destroying other toys?  Lisa: They must have
    programmed it to eliminate the competition.  Bart: You mean like
    Microsoft?  Lisa: Exactly.  [The Simpsons - 12/18/99]
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