Maybe this can help you...  For some pdf files that I want to
print with Acrobat, I need to disable the option "download fonts
once" in the print configuration.  This is mostly the case if I 
have documents with a lot of math equations in it.

I am using Acrobat Reader 4.0.  With these documents xdpf does not
do the job.



>>>>> "ab" == archie benton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

ab> I am using redhat 6.1 and the ghostview program that comes with
ab> it. I downloaded some pdf files that ghostview refuses to
ab> print. It prints other pdf files (and ps files) without any
ab> problem. I downloaded these same pdf files to windows 98 and was
ab> able to print them without any trouble via acrobat 4.0. Are there
ab> differences between pdf files? I can view the pdf files fine with
ab> gv while in Linux, they just won't print. I hope this isn't too
ab> much off topic. I don't know of a ghostview listserv.

ab> -- 
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ab> as the Subject.

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