El día Mon, 13 Mar 2000 17:22:35 -0600  "Stephen Hargrove" escribió:
> I've screwed something up big time, and I'm not sure what I've done.  =
> Whenever I login, I get the following:
> Last login: Mon Mar 13 17:05:36 from stephen
> No directory /home/Stephen!
> Logging in with home =3D "/".
> bash: /home/Stephen/.bash_profile: Permission denied
> Additionally, I can't go anywhere and I can't do anything (permission =
> denied) unless I su to root.  /home/Stephen exists as follows:
> drw-r-xr-x   5 Stephen  seh          1024 Mar 13 16:15 Stephen
> Any ideas on what I've done and how to correct it?

        What is your user login? Stephen or stephen? What are the 
permissions of directory /home? Maybe you don't have access to /home 
directory so you don't have access to /home/Stephen.

Angel L. Mateo
Servicio de Informática
Universidad de Murcia
Edificio D, Campus de Espinardo
CP: 30100, Murcia
Tfo: +34 968367601
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