On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 08:42:24AM -0500, Larry Pesce wrote:

There are a few models of USB webcams support in kernel 2.3.x (or that
backport, but I would have migrated to 2.3 if netconfig would have
compiled :).. From the 2.3.x docs (at least ov511.txt, the chipset of
my Avermedia cam):

Manufacturer     | Model          | Custom ID | Status
MediaForte       | MV300          | 0         | Working
D-Link           | DSB-C300       | 3         | Working
Puretek          | PT-6007        | 5         | Untested
Creative Labs    | WebCam 3       | 21        | Working
Lifeview         | RoboCam        | 100       | Untested
AverMedia        | InterCam Elite | 102       | Working
MediaForte       | MV300          | 112       | Working

> Jean-Yves Leblin wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> >   I'd like to setup a webcam server, I actually have an Apache 1.3 server
> > running on a RH 6.1 Celeron 500 server. What i'd like to know is :
> I have mine running on a 486/25 with 16M of RAM.
> > - what sort of webcam shall i use (USB, parallel ?, what model ?.....)
> Not sure of USB support yet.  Anyone help me here?  I'm using an an
> oldschool Connectix color quick cam, via paralell.
> > - which software do i need (to run the cam, to interface with html
> > pages....) ?
> I'm using qcam (to take the pictures), stamp (to add the time, and a
> capiton), and jpegaltui (to convert the image to a jpg),  It runs from a
> NOHUP script and cycles about every 25 seconds.  The web page has
> javascript to force the browser to reload the page every 30 seconds.

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