"Bjornson, Matt" wrote:

> Toby thanks I have found a killer deal with your advice!  I am planning on
> using this for both apache and mysql on the same server. Do you see a
> problem with this, from a performance standpoint?
> Thanks Matt

        You shouldn't have any performance issues running Apache, mysql and PHP
on the same box as long as you get a decent amount of memory and do some
smart planning ahead with your hard drives. If you anticipate your
database getting quite large or you're writing some code that will do
alot of queries, I would seriously consider putting the database on a
different drive then the web 
        As a rule of thumb, several smaller drives in a box is much better for
I/O performance then a few big drives because you can separate out your
applications across the drives. Having your stuff spread out across a
larger number of spindles is the way to go. Fortunately small capacity
SCSI-drives are very cheap now. I've seen some nice surplus 4 gig drives
for as little as $50 a piece.
        At the job I'm at now, one of the SGI Origin 2's we have was loading
web-content and an Informix database all off of one hard drive. It was a
real mess, because of a massive disc I/O bottleneck, it brought a fast
machine to it's knees.
        Oh yes, one other thing to keep in mind if you end up getting a dual
pentium pro system. In order to use two CPU's on those boards, most of
them require you to have a little VRM module. It's sort of a voltage
regulating device. They're about $20.00 US. So figure that into the
pricing of the machine. Also make sure that the motherboard will support
the type of RAM you intend to use in it. I got one really cheap and it
had to have buffered EDO's DIMMs. Well, all I had in my supply closet
was SDRAM DIMM's, so I ended up having to spend more money to buy
256megs of buffered EDO's DIMMs. That was a bit irritating :-)  
        I hope this helps you out.

Toby A. Rider

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