Hey all!

Junkbuster is a cool proxy that helps block ads and banners from being displayed
in your browser.  I would recommend you check it out if ads are a problem for you
(56k users like me).

Anyone running this thing strictly on their 'router' box, as proxy for the whole
LAN - instead of running it on each of the clients? I run a RH 6.2 box as a
router for 2 windows clients, and it would make sense to run it in linux, since
the clients surf through it any ways, but I can't seem to get the clients'
browsers to read through it.

Thought I would ask quick, maybe someone runs this same type of setup, and could
give me a few tips! BTW, RH 6.2 shows a lot of nice user improvements since my
previous install of of 6.0 ...   I figure, in less than a year, I won't have any
winblows clients running at all!  Hooray!

Take care all,

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