"Michael J. McGillick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote;

>Afternoon Everyone:
>It seems I very easily get myself into trouble trying to recompile the
>Linux Kernel.  Some attempts in the past have worked just fine, others
>tend to blow things up, and I usually end up having to reinstall.  So far,
>I understand the first few steps of what needs to be done to recompile the

There are a few subtleties involved in recompiling a kernel if you
want it to coexist with the stock kernel or other custom kernels
in a RedHat world.  I wrote a document describing the steps for doing
this in RH5.2, and I recently updated it for RH6.x.  You can grab
it at 


>When I did this, I got the help screen for make which tells me that this
>is not a valid argument.  A little guesswork told me to use:
>make oldconfig

Good point.  I didn't include this step, but I will in a future version.

>Ok.  Rolling along now.  A small shell script appeared to run, and then I
>make menuconfig
>Ok, it's at this point that I'm completely baffled as to what to do
>next.  In my root directory, I now have the two files vmlinuz, and
>System.map.  I know that both of these files need to be linked up to the
>lilo configuration, so the system can boot to them.  When I look in the
>/boot directory, I see a symlink called System.map pointing to the
>System.map for the current kernel.  I also see ones for vmlinuz and
>modules.  Now, I've been warned in the past that you don;t just blindly
>replace stuff, as the new kernel may not boot.


>What is the exact sequence of steps to set up this new kernel in a test
>position, so that I don;t disturb the original kernel, and can get back
>to it?  What files, symlinks, etc. need to be changed?  Red Hat apparently
>has their reasons for setting up the system the way that they do.  When I
>first started with linux, and recompiling a kernel, there were never any
>symlinks to deal with.  You simply added an entry into lilo.conf, and told
>it where to find the new kernel.

This is what I tried to make sure I covered carefully.  Let me know
if it helps or if you have suggestions for improvement.

                Matthew Saltzman
                Clemson University Math Sciences
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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