On Wed, Apr 19, 2000 at 10:41:27PM -0500, Joe Cooper wrote:
> You may want to consider one of the small micro-distros however (LRP,
> Trinux, etc.), as Red Hat these days even in a very small install takes
> nearly 500MB, which doesn't leave a lot of breathing room.

Hm, with RHL 5.2, I managed to run an install within 150MB (386 as
firewall - similar to what the original poster had in mind, I think) by
not installing X and all related programs, no devel packages, no gcc
(and of the rest only what I really need). It's a bit of work to go
through the package selection, but worth it.

One advantage I found in running a "full" RHL 5.2 was the fact that it's
the same version as my main PC, therefore compiling programs (e.g.
kernel) or (re)building RPMs on the main machine for the firewall is
very easy. The added bonus is that the firewall itself doesn't need any
development tools, which a) saves space and b) is regarded safer by some

My EUR0.02,

             "Look, Ma, no obsolete quotes and plain text only!"

     Thomas Ribbrock | http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan | ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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