On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 07:44:01PM -0400, John Aldrich wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> > Trying to fsck my root partition on a running system, and I am now
> > consistently getting:
> > 
> >  #init 1
> >  (appears to go alright ... )
> >  #umount -a
> >   mount: / device busy
> > 
> > (or similar). Trying 
> > 
> >  #mount -n -o remount,ro /
> > 
> > also fails with same error. What is keeping this busy? Extremely
> > few processes were running (less than 10?). This *should* work,
> > no? Also, I occasionally get various FS as busy on shutdown. Right
> > now I just want to run e2fsck, but after a zillion tries, I give
> > up.
> > 
> > Redhat 6.2 (with updates), kernel 2.2.15pre9 SMP. / is on IDE0, if
> > that makes a difference. I've had the devices busy problem on
> > shutdown with various kernels going back at least several months.
> > Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Right now, it won't :(
> > Any clues?
> > 
> Reboot with a custom boot floppy or a "rescue" floppy and then fsck
> the hard drive. You can't unmount a drive that's being used. Thus,
> you can't unmount / or /home or /usr or any other "standard"
> partition.

Well, I have done the same thing as recently as last weekend. I have
no problem umounting /usr and /home now, it is just / that is giving
me grief ATM. I'd prefer not to reboot for this really. 
> OTOH, if you use a rescue disk with a boot floppy, everything should
> be fine and you should be able to fsck the hard drive!

Surely this works, just looking for a better way. Thanks.

Hal B

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