On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 09:20:04AM -0400, Burke, Thomas G. wrote:
> I'm really confuzzed (pronounce it the way it's spelled) about a couple
> things, here...  Could somebody *please* explain to me what the _HECK_ is
> going on here?
> 1)  Samba doesn't start on system boot up, I have to do it manually.  Looked
> into /etc/rc.d/rc?.d, and there are no SXXsmb files.  So, I went into rc3.d,
> and created a link to /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb (ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb
> S35smbTom)....  Reboot the machine, and it no workie...  I checked the
> permissions, & as far as I can tell, they're identical to every other SXX???
> file in the directory...  Whazzup with that?

Are you sure the default runlevel is 3? check /etc/inittab maybe the machine
is configured to run in runlevel 2 (altough redhat normaly runs in 3 by default
I believe)

> 2)  Got a preliminary IPCHANS script put together.  Interestingly enough,
> when I type "./rc.firewall", the machine comes back & tells me something
> along the lines of "file not found"....  I do an ls, and sure enough, the
> file is sitting right there!  Doesn't matter if I rename it to something
> else, same crap happens...

check the first line of the script (e.g. #!/bin/sh) probably he is complaining
about that one.

> 3) Just a question, maybe someone can answer....  is the rcX.d directories
> the best place to ensure that daemons don't run (IE DNS, NFS, or whatever),
> by erasing the SXX??? files, or maybe the actual files they point to in the
> init.d directory, or is there some better (nicer) way of shutting this stuff
> down these days?  Also, which ones should I be sure _NOT_ to turn off?

On my Suns I normaly edit the actual script and turn "'start'" into "'oldstart'".
That way you're sure it won't run but you can still easily turn it back on without
having to remember which XX came after the S.


> Thanks all,
>       Tom Burke
> -- 
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