On 04-May-00 Burke, Thomas G. opined:
> OK, the samba question is fixed...  I had used a sof link before, &
> apparently there was some problem with that.  I remade the link without
> the
> -s option, and now samba fires up on startup, the way it should.   Also
> went
> through & cleaned up rc3.d by renaming unwanted Sxx???? to sxx????...  I
> ave
> some questions about some of these, tho - do I need automount?  what is
> it
> used for, exactly?
> Now, as for the firewall script, I'm still having the same problem.
> first line of script -> #!/bin/sh
> I checked, and /bin/sh exists (as a link) - if I type /bin/sh , it runs a
> new shell, so obviously it was working...  I checked further through the
> script & realized that ipmasqadm was being called, but was not installed
> on
> my system.  I downloaded, installed (rpm), and rebooed, just to make
> sure.
> Still get the same error.  So, I played with some other scripts (that are
> also fairly complex), and they don't work, either....  I went through the
> scripts & tried to find every path & file that's in them, & I think
> everything exists on the system...  Here's the exact error:
> bash: ./rc.firewall: no such file or directory
> Any clues out there?

Sure. It wants ./rc.firewall and can't find it.

My guess is, it isn't working in the directory you want it to. You'll
likely need to either have the script 'cd' to proper directory before
trying to find the file, or add the entire path instead of './' since that
seems to be where the problem lies.

If './' is $HOME, add either $HOME/rc.firewall or ~/rc.firewall or
/home/<username>/rc.firewall. If it's in /etc/rc.d/init.d or
/etc/rc.d/rc?.d just add the entire path.

Or, as stated, you can have the script 'cd' to the right directory and then
run it as it's looking for it ('./').

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
             ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

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