Hi All
I am new to this RPM style of managing things and have come up against the
[root@mail /tmp]# rpm -Uvh syslogd-1.3.33-15.i386.rpm
error: file /etc/syslog.conf from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts
with file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
error: file /usr/sbin/klogd from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts with
file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
error: file /usr/sbin/syslogd from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts
with file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
[root@mail /tmp]#
So my question is how do I upgrade syslogd?
I have tried stopping the service but it still fails. I could use
the --force option but that seems a little dodgy and I really do not want to
do this unless someone can convince me it is a safe thing to do.
Also, possibly related is this
[root@mail /tmp]# rpm -Uv initscripts-5.00-1.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
e2fsprogs >= 1.15 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
procps >= 2.0.4 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
setup >= 2.0.3 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
/sbin/fuser is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
timeconfig < 3.0 conflicts with initscripts-5.00-1
If I try to upgrade the dependencies I just keep getting similar messages.
What is the best way to upgrade these packages?
BTW this computer is required to be up and working 24x7 and shutting it down
to test and try things is not an option.
Any help or resources appreciated.
| Kevin Hancock | ARCOMNET Pty Ltd |
| Ph : +61 8 8212 6900 | 167 Grote St |
| Fax : +61 8 8212 6134 | ADELAIDE, S.Aust |
| Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Australia, 5000 |
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