On Mon, 8 May 2000, Uncle Meat wrote:

Thanks for the replies

Unfortuantly the more I did the worse it got and now I am about to scrap
the machine, maybe even redhat if this is what happens with rpms.

I forced it to remove sysklogd and installed syslogd. syslogd complained
about some files not being OK so I modified them by hand as prompted.
problem is it dont log. 

Cannot uninstall it cause it is needed 

cant reinstall syslogd cause it needs other packages that wont install
cause they need other packages ...etc.

Not impressed 

Don't know what I could have done different, I was only trying to upgrade
the packages listed and supplied from the redhat update site as per
instructions. Now I do not trust this machine at all and won't log

Not happy.

Thanks anyway for all the suggestions.


> On 08-May-00 Kevin Hancock opined:
> > 
> > Hi All
> > 
> > I am new to this RPM style of managing things and have come up against
> > the
> > following.
> > 
> > [root@mail /tmp]# rpm -Uvh syslogd-1.3.33-15.i386.rpm
> > error: file /etc/syslog.conf from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts
> > with file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
> > error: file /usr/sbin/klogd from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts
> > with
> > file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
> > error: file /usr/sbin/syslogd from install of syslogd-1.3.33-15 conflicts
> > with file from package sysklogd-1.3.31-6
> > [root@mail /tmp]#
> > 
> > So my question is how do I upgrade syslogd?
> > 
> > I have tried stopping the service but it still fails. I could use
> > the --force option but that seems a little dodgy and I really do not want
> > to
> > do this unless someone can convince me it is a safe thing to do.
> Should work and can't explain why it won't.
> As for a _safe_ way, tyr:
>         rpm -e syslogd
> If you get errors (shouldn't):
>         rpm -e syslogd --nodeps
> Then:
>         rpm -ivh syslogd*
> > Also, possibly related is this
> > 
> > [root@mail /tmp]# rpm -Uv initscripts-5.00-1.i386.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> >         e2fsprogs >= 1.15 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
> >         procps >= 2.0.4 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
> >         setup >= 2.0.3 is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
> >         /sbin/fuser is needed by initscripts-5.00-1
> >         timeconfig < 3.0 conflicts with initscripts-5.00-1
> > 
> > If I try to upgrade the dependencies I just keep getting similar
> > messages.
> > 
> > What is the best way to upgrade these packages?
> This is the circular-dependency problem that keeps cropping up.
> Wht ususally works is to place all of them in a directory by themselves
> (the upgrades, that is) and:
>         rpm -Uvh *
> This usually sorts out dependencies, finds what is needed to keep
> everything straight and upgrades them. In light of the above, you may have
> to use --nodeps again since it appears you may have a problem with
> something else. Just be absolutely sure you have all of the dependencies
> satisfoed, then use --nodeps if needed.
> ---
> Is this my stop?
> -- 
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