Try changing your partitons to match this in your ks.cfg file:

clearpart --all
part / --size 1024
part /usr --size 2048
part swap --size 512
part /home --size 1 --grow
part /data --size 1 --grow --ondisk hdb

Make sure that the last partition you use is set like the second to the
bottom.  The problem is that the sizes mkkickstart gives you might be
too large for the drive.  If you allow them to grow, they will fall into
the right size and fix the problem.  I just tried it here and it would
stall at DiskDruid.  Once I changed the lines to the above, worked like
a champ.

>I want to use Kickstart for installation of RH6.2 and later.
>I use the new feature
>part ...... --ondisk sda
>If I use this option the automatic installation ends in partition tool.

>Has anyone use this option?
>Andreas Schockenhoff; EKF Elektronik GmbH            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Philipp Reis Str. 4   phone:      +49-2381-689056
>D-59065 Hamm                               fax:        +49-2381-689090

Kevin Wood
DCG Computers, Inc./Atipa Linux Solutions
850 East Industrial Park Drive
Suite 8
Manchester, NH  03109
P(603)622-7171 x 15

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