Now I take (some) umbrage at this....

I've been using email since 1982, in various forms.  I've had Internet
since... hmmm... 1987, I guess.  I've used the a grunch of email readers
over the years, my favorite for many years being Communicator, until it
started getting too bloated, too buggy, too slow, and constantly crashing...
my second favorite, for many years, was good old elm, but I also sometimes
used pine (pine is a bit more flexible than elm, a bit more powerful, and a
bit more difficult to use... when you go through four hundred email a day (I
did at my peak!  I'm down to about two hundred, and am in the ten step
program :) ease of use is good....)

Now, at work, I'm forced to use Outlook 2000 at work and.... it's not that
bad.  Sure, it's not as powerful in some of the features that I really wish
it had, but it's pretty robust, able to handle my email, and offers a
PIM.... although I never had that much use for a PIM before I got one, I do
use it now.

At home, most of my machines are WIN98SE or dual boot (I'm having problems
convincing my wife about how much better RH 6.1 and 6.2 are than 4.2 in
ease-of-use... she loves Unix, but she prefers Solaris... if it's not
Solaris, she wants Windows.  I'm slowly winning her over, and next year,
when I build our firewall for the coming cable modem, I'll have the final
bait I need...) and so we use Outlook Express...  why, I don't know, other
than it's there.  I have to say OE is NOT full featured, NOT easy to use,
and NOT as good of an email reader.... but it does Email and Newsgroups
(since I moderate a newsgroup, having both in the same package is very
useful) and IT DOESN'T CRASH.  Every other combined newsgroup/email package
for Windows I've tried does crash... frequently.  I have to say that it may
not be the best there ever is, but it DOES work (whether that's because
Windows itself is causing the other email programs to be somewhat flaky or
what is left up to the reader).  It's one of the reasons I'm anxious to get
that big pipe going, and the Linux machine for email... because then I can
go back to having elm, which I liked, and xrn, which I really liked... and
if the Mozzilla project works, maybe I can even get back to my old favorite,

But I am DEFINITELY not a "newbie" or "less technical"... I'm a sysadmin and
developer on two SGI Origin 2000s, an SGI Onyx2, and a Beowulf that I built
from scratch, plus a number of other workstations.  I've had and worked on
computers since I designed and (partially) built my first machine way back
in 1979.  Considering I was 13....

Bill Ward

-----Original Message-----
From: Juha Saarinen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 5:02 PM
To: Thomas Ribbrock; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: recipient.list.not.shown;
Subject: RE: email style hint

%-> > You'd think everyone here grew up using Microsoft mailers.
%-> Actually, I'm beginning to think that that's the exact truth... :-}
%-> Nonetheless, I don't think that's the explanation: After all, if you use
%-> e.g. elm+vi or mutt+vi or similar mailers, your cursor ends up at the
%-> beginning of the message as well, so that's no excuse *not* to scroll
%-> down and delete unnecessary quotes. I can't help but wonder what's so
%-> different about the MS world mailers that people get so lazy.

Now, now, that's a bit unfair... it's actually much easier to mark and
delete text with Windows mailers than with UNIX ones, generally speaking.
SHIFT-DOWN ARROW etc. will do it. I wish there was a similar key sequence in
Pine. Ctrl-K sort of works, but it should delete the whole block after the
cursor, not just the line it's on.

%-> Also, many people seem to think that hard drive space and bandwidth are
%-> cheap these days and no care needs to be taken to save either.

That's probably not correct either. Most people using Windows are simply
less technical than UNIX users. They don't think in terms of bandwidth and
space saving when sending email. That's why you get huge HTML missives with
pictures and goodness knows what attached to them from newbies starting out
with Windows (or Linux users with Netscape Messenger).

Education... that's all we can do. ;-)

-- Juha

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