Duncan Hill wrote:
> Has anyone got a basic rule or three that I can springboard off of?
> Or are more details needed?

You could try the script that I use.  Get it from:

Should be really easy to set up.  At the beginning of the file, there
are a few environment variables that you have to set.  I believe that
the following should work for you:

where: "eth0" is your ethernet interface, "" is the address
that your lan is using, and "" is your own IP address. 

Comment out the "MASQ_NET" variable, since you aren't a router.

Then, 'mv init.firewall /etc/rc.d/init.d/firewall' and turn it on with
'ntsysv'.  You can run it yourself like any other init script,
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/firewall start'


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