On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Alan Mead wrote:

> natural choice but by the time the packet hits your eth0 it looks 
> internal.  I think that catching this at the border would be easy but I 

I think you're right, but I can hope no?  I get the distinct feeling
that you are right, and in that case I'll add explicit rules for the
hosts I use to access my machine for the ports I want closed to
everyone else.  The first one to close is FTP, as 139 is already
blocked at the router.

> If you have an IP for the webserver, you could just put it outside
> the firewall and seal everything except 80 and 22.  There are a

Outside the firewall isn't practial in this case :>


Duncan Hill                     Sapere aude
My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.

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