Jeff Graves wrote:

> Somebody's finally doing something postive about
> Microsoft....................
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This thread is WAY out of line.  If you want to promote the use of violence and 
chuckle at events that may
have cause serious injury or death to your fellow human beings please do it somewhere 
else.  I too get
carried away with my anti MS feelings but this is too much.
Do I believe that MS uses its market clout in a non competative manner? Yes.
Do I think that their products are buggy and insecure? Yes.
Do I use them? Yes.
Do I think that thes have some really sharp folks busting their butts to make better 
products despite what I
sometimes feel is the misguided goal of embrace, extend and exterminate that is set by 
the executives? Yes
Do I think that these folks, working in the IT field, as I and many other folks on 
this list do deserve to
have their lives endangered just because the chose to work for a company that has the 
bucks to support a
sh*tload of R&D, great benefits, other really sharp folks to work with and is probably 
fun to boot?  Not no
but hell no.

maybe a subscription to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be more inline with 
this type of thinking


Sorry about the lack of a sense of humor but I do not feel postings like this are 
benificial in any way to
the linux community or for that matter to humanity s a whole.

Bret Hughes

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